Bungee fitness review. Learn to fly at Sling Bungee Fitness. Amy Connell | GracedHealth.com

Want to fly? Try a Bungee Fitness class! {review}

I can fly, I can fly, I can fly!!!

Well, I could for 45-minutes.

I traveled to Edmond, Oklahoma to have a little aunt time with my super-cute nephew while my sister and her husband took a well-deserved vacation. Collectively, my two parents and I watched a 6-month-old, a full-grown German Shepherd puppy, and a seen-but-not-heard Scottie. We may or may not have lost the Scottie in the house one night, but that’s a different story.

Bungee fitness review. Learn to fly at Sling Bungee Fitness. Amy Connell | GracedHealth.com
Learn to fly at Sling Bungee Fitness Amy Connell | GracedHealth.com

May was closing in on me and I hadn’t yet met my monthly goal of trying one new-to-me fitness class. Thankfully, my sister had just heard of a new place that fit the bill perfectly for me: Sling Bungee Fitness.

Want to fly? Try Sling Bungee Fitness. Amy Connell | GracedHealth.com

I pulled myself away from my bubbly, bouncy guy and headed to the Sling studio. I learned my sister wasn’t kidding when she heard it was new … it had opened just two weeks prior.

Sling Bungee Fitness allowed me to step in a harness and transform into Tinkerbell. There’s a certain freedom that comes with the weightlessness of being lifted off the ground. Just for those few seconds of elevation, I felt like I could fly.

What’s the class like?

I attended the 101 SimpliFLY class, which was designed to provide basic movement instruction. We learned to “TTB” – Trust The Bungee. First we sat back and allowed the bungee to pop us back to standing. Sit and pop, sit and pop. Got it.

Now, plunge. Fall forward, lightly catch yourself and pop back up to standing. “TTB,” Candace reminded us. Ooooook. This took a little more trust but sure enough, it brought me back to standing.

My students know I love burpees. Strength, core, and cardio all bundled up into one brutal (and effective) move. You can imagine my delight when we were next instructed how to perform a bungee burpee.

Candace showed us all the foundational moves that would build though the subsequent classes, 201 ModiFLY and 301 Advanced ModiFLY.

How do you know if you’re safe?

Trust me, you are.

Your straps and harness are customized to your unique, beautiful body.

Bungee fitness review. Learn to fly at Sling Bungee Fitness. Amy Connell | GracedHealth.com

Bungees are set based on your height and weight. Oh yeah, you do get to weigh in a private room when you arrive. This is purely for your safety. 

Have you ever flown in a really small plane? Sometimes you’ll hop on the scale so they can distribute the weight evenly. It’s not to shame or judge you … it’s to keep you alive.

Same concept here. Your life isn’t in danger, but your safety may be if you aren’t buckled in correctly. Close your eyes when you step on if you must. Remember, it’s not what you weigh but how healthy you are. (And if you need a reminder, read this post.)

Which class is right for me?

101 is essential to learning the basics. Attend 101 as often as needed until you feel comfortable with the movements and Sling terminology. Our class had both new and returning students.

Had there been availability in the next day’s class, I would have attended the 201 ModiFLY.  While 101 wasn’t particularly challenging to me, there’s no way I’d want to walk into a more advanced class without it. Taking that introductory class is essential.

As with the Pound Fitness class I took and wrote about here, each song is choreographed. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be super coordinated to do this. You just need to be able to let loose and have fun while sitting, plunging, and flying.

Know before you go

  • Wear leggings (no skirts for me this time, but I did wear my Skirt Sports Pocketopia capris – use code 166Conn for 15% off!), as you’ll be wearing a harness that will rub. The information on the Mind/Body app recommended two layers until you get used to the harness. (Almost) always the rule follower, I did, and had no chafing problems.
  • If you’re large-chested, consider wearing a top with a higher neckline. One darling twenty-something in the class pointed out that she’d be wearing a high-necked t-shirt next time. The harness becomes its own version of a contorted push-up bra.
  • The upper portion of the harness can get slightly uncomfortable. This is normal, we were told. Candace provided blue foam pads (which are cleaned in between classes) to provide more cushion. She assured us we get used to it.
  • Arrive 10-15 minutes early. It takes a while to get everyone set up in the 101 class. Once everyone is strapped in, the door is locked. This makes total sense to me, as the instructor can’t teach in her bungee while simultaneously situating a straggler.
  • The bungee holds a maximum of 240 pounds.
  • Bring a friend! As I wrote here, fitness is always better with a friend. Students 16 and up are welcome. Just as with my Kangoo fitness experience, this would be a fun class to take with a teenage daughter.
Bungee fitness review. Learn to fly at Sling Bungee Fitness. Amy Connell | GracedHealth.com

Sling Bungee Fitness was a lively, enjoyable experience. I really wish I could have gone back for the next level, but unfortunately the class was booked and there were already two on the waitlist. (But what a testament to how much people like it!)

And when I was done, I unstrapped the harness and flew back to my nephew, who brings an entirely different kind of smile to my face.

Bungee fitness review. Learn to fly at Sling Bungee Fitness. Amy Connell | GracedHealth.com

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