Find your inner Animal in a POUND fitness class

What do you get when you combine a great beat, fun choreography, a joyful instructor, and green drumsticks?


I heard about this class format several years ago but hadn’t tried it. In the spirit of my 2018 goal of trying one new fitness format a month, I figured this would be a great one to undertake for April.

In full disclosure, April’s activity really occurred May 3. Sometimes I don’t even know where my weeks go. Between life happening and double booking my calendar, it didn’t happen when I originally hoped. Surely you can relate.

If you’ve missed the previous months, you can get caught up here:

What is POUND?

As explained on their website:

Instead of listening to music, you become the music in this exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and Pilates-inspired movements. Using Ripstix®, lightly weighted drumsticks engineered specifically for exercising, POUND transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way of working out.

Designed for all fitness levels, POUND® provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose, getting energized, toning up and rockin’ out! The workout is easily modifiable and the alternative vibe and welcoming philosophy appeals to men and women of all ages and abilities.

POUND® was created in 2011 by two women who were both recreational drummers and former college athletes. They relied heavily on stability-based exercises like pilates to keep their bodies aligned, symmetrical and lean, but were bored with routine and longed to reignite the fun in exercise. It wasn’t until they were forced to drum without a stool and squat over the drum kit that they realized drumming and exercise could be one and the same.

POUND is a fun, rhythmic class that allows you to embrace your inner Animal from the Muppets. Read on for a first-timer's review. Amy Connell |

The website easily helped me find a new class based on my zip code.

My friend, Becky, who is always up for new things, accompanied me. As I’ve mentioned before, fitness is always better with a friend. Even though I’ve taught a zillion classes and feel at home in any gyms group fitness room, it’s still nice to have a buddy by your side.

POUND is a fun, rhythmic class that allows you to embrace your inner Animal from the Muppets. Read on for a first-timer's review. Amy Connell |

The class is structured so that each song is choreographed and has a unique focus. As with the Kangoo class I did in January, I was pleasantly surprised to work out more than just my legs. For example, one song was performed seated, focusing on our abs. Another focused on strong arm movement.

Fire! Fire!

You know how you get those sticks on the ground? By bending your legs. That’s the brilliance of the class. If you’re wanting to pop those sticks down and get the reward of hearing them hit the ground, you’ve got to lunge down and get them there.

POUND is a fun, rhythmic class that allows you to embrace your inner Animal from the Muppets. Read on for a first-timer's review. Amy Connell |

All of that bending and lunging brings up the heat on those quads. It’s a good fire, though, and just when I thought I might be ready for a break, the song ended and we got one.

Each song has a few movements that build upon each other and speed up. It’s a perfect progression that allows you to figure out the rhythm before going all out.

Our class length was 30-minutes, perfect for an 11:30 am start time and those looking to workout on their lunch break. Depending on locale and times, POUND classes go up to 60 minutes.

This class is great for all levels. It’s not too challenging for beginners. Those who want to progress can always lunge or squat deeper or perform movements more powerfully.

If you’re worried about coordination, don’t be. That may not mean you’ll get everything off the bat, but just slam the Ripstix together and pound the floor a little and you’ll be fine. It’s all good.

POUND is a fun, rhythmic class that allows you to embrace your inner Animal from the Muppets. Read on for a first-timer's review. Amy Connell |


  • Wear comfortable gym clothes … capris, leggings, etc. I, of course, donned my Skirt Sports because that’s what I do. 
  • Arrive 10 min ahead of time. Don’t pull in to the facility with thirty seconds to spare. (cough, cough, I’m sheepishly raising my hand)
  • Introduce yourself to the instructor and tell her/him you’re new.
  • If you have any issues (knee, back, etc.), disclose those. It gives you psychological permission to back off when you need to. Additionally, the instructor can give you any modifications. 
  • Always rest if you need it. This class includes a lot of legwork (think lunges and squats). If you’re not used to those, you’ll fatigue. It’s OK to take a mini-break.

Our instructor, Lisa, (DARN IT I forgot to get a picture!) made the class fun and engaging. She did a great job explaining the basic movements before each song. More importantly, she always had a smile on her face and encouraged every student there.

POUND was a great experience. I’d definitely like to try it again. It’s always fun to play with new fitness “toys.” Maybe next time I’ll tap deeper into my inner Animal from the Muppets and just POUND to my own beat … which I suppose is never a bad thing to do.

POUND is a fun, rhythmic class that allows you to embrace your inner Animal from the Muppets. Read on for a first-timer's review. Amy Connell |

POUND is a fun, rhythmic class that allows you to embrace your inner Animal from the Muppets. Read on for a first-timer's review. Amy Connell |






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