Identifying your style + tips and hacks for women over 40 with stylist Katherine Suzette

One of the things I’ve been trying to do more lately is serve women’s groups and associations this Graced Health message of taking care of ourselves so we can fulfill our purpose or do what we are called to do. A few months ago I had a local engagement and asked a friend who was there to take a few pictures of me.

I don’t know if this has ever happened to you, but she sent me the pictures and something in my outfit just looked off. I still can’t say exactly what was off, I could just tell. Now had I been in workout attire, I’d feel confident. Because I spend so much of my time in athletic clothes, I feel more comfortable in them and I feel better and putting myself together. Besides, it’s simple. Leggings, top, and sports bra. Shoes if I’m outside. Bam, I’m done.

Ask me to put together something to speak or network? That’s a different story. And, I’ve been out of the traditional workforce long enough that I’m shaky on what’s in style or appropriate. After all, leggings in my current job: appropriate. In a high-rise office building? Perhaps not.

When I met today’s guest, Katherine Suzette, at a local networking event (at which I only felt moderately confident in what I wore), I reached out to learn more about what she does. I am not doing anything high profile, but I do want to feel good and not distracting in what I do. And then I asked her to come on because I think she has some stylist wisdom you would enjoy hearing as well.

Katherine Suzette is a Personal Stylist and Self-Presentation Coach serving coaches and leaders so that they can create greater impact with less stress! She is a woman pursuing her highest calling and helping others to do the same along the way, by offering her skills in style, body language, communication to those who desire to find and be their authentic self and communicate effectively. 

We discuss

  • What a stylist does and why we need one
  • Identifying a style code and keywords 
  • How we can exhibit our personality in our style
  • Tips for shopping aline
  • General tips for choosing clothes that you feel good in.

Get Katherine’s Online Mini Course: The Art of Self-Presentation

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Connect with Katherine:
Instagram: @theimpressioncode

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