a New go-to guide for young women

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Discover Your CORE Strength: A Christ-Centered, Diet-Culture-Free Health Guide for Young Women

Tailored exclusively for young women, Your CORE Strength presents a gentle yet science-backed approach to empower them in caring for their entire being: body, mind, and spirit.

Inside this book, you'll find answers to questions like:

  • What is my CORE Strength?
  • What does it mean to take care of myself?
  • How can I improve my sleep?
  • Wait, what do you mean there are no good or bad foods?
  • How long should I exercise?
  • How do I break free from the comparison trap? ...and 25 more insightful answers!


Join us to receive:

  • A sneak peek to the Introduction and Chapter 1
  • Exclusive book launch updates
  • A special "wake up and warm up" video. This gentle morning routine can be done comfortably in your pajamas, preparing you for whatever God has in store for your day. (Rest assured, Amy won't be in her pajamas—because let's be honest, that would be a bit strange!)


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    "I liked the perspective on nourishment you shared. My favorite part was how you said 'Jesus wouldn't be counting calories at the table.' I strongly value both my health life and my faith life, and this was the perfect way to combine them to make each one stronger!"

    Anna, Early Reader

    Age 15

    about the author

    Amy Connell is a an NASM Certified Personal Trainer who wants you to take a rest day and Certified Nutrition Coach who wants you to enjoy dessert.

    She helps women of all ages feel and function well in simple and grace-filled ways so they can fulfill their purpose.

    Amy is the host of the Graced Health podcast, author of the books Your Worthy Body for women and soon-to-be-released Your CORE Strength for young women.

    She lives in the Houston, Texas area with her husband and stray-turned princess pit bull named Grace. They have one son in college and one getting ready to go to college, so many conversations revolve around where they will live in their empty nesting years and how much money they will save on groceries when their boys are out of the house.

    Moms: Tune into the Graced Health Podcast and Your Worthy Body: Find Freedom in Health by Breaking All the Rules for your own content!
