Your Worthy Body: A Mind, Body and Spirit Masterclass for Women of All Ages

Join lifelong friends Emily Baker and Amy Connell for an evening that will shape the way you think about your eating, movement and body!

During this 90-minute session, you will:

  • Reconsider the way you think about your eating, movement and body.
  • Learn the difference between nutrients and nourishment and how to incorporate them.
  • Embrace simple, under-appreciated ways of moving your body.
  • Participate in practical, gentle movements to wake up your body, stretch after long periods of sitting, and increase your range of motion.
  • Understand the relationship between physical health and mental health.
  • Experience a shortened session of Emily’s signature program designed to help you learn to listen and give care to your body through stretching, movement, balance and breathing exercises.

All women are invited to attend! Amy has a special heart for young women to help cultivate confidence in their eating, movement and body. Daughters and college-aged women are especially encouraged to come.


About Amy:

Amy Connell is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. She founded Graced Health in 2016 to equip women with simple and grace-filled ways to take care of and appreciate their uniquely created body … and enjoy a little chocolate in the process. Amy is the host of the Graced Health podcast and author of Your Worthy Body: Find Freedom in Health by Breaking All the Rules.

Amy graduated from Oklahoma State University (go Pokes!) in 1997 and was president of the Tau Beta chapter of Chi Omega Fraternity. Some of her most cherished memories come from Stillwater, though not all of those memories will she pass on to her children.

She lives in the Houston, Texas area with her husband, their two always-hungry teen boys, and her stray-turned princess pit bull named Grace.

About Emily:

Emily Baker is a wife to her high school sweetheart and the mother of four children. She has been a fitness instructor and personal trainer for twenty years. 

Emily is the creator of her own company EBdesigns that provides fashionable earrings at affordable prices. She has always been passionate about living out of the power of gospel and walking along-side people in their journeys. 

Emily recently completed her certification of the Allender Center’s Narrative based Trauma care (Counseling program) which has taught her how to explore her own life story and help others with theirs. Emily facilitates both in-person and online small groups and meets with individual clients as well.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Questions? email Amy at